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Plant extract natural sophocarpidine powder/Lighiyellow Sophora Root P.E of Matrine N-oxide


Plant extract Sophora Flavescens Extract Matrine Lighiyellow Sophora Root P.E 

English name: Lighiyellow Sophora Root P.E.

Section: Leguminous plants

Use parts: roots

Chemical composition: matrine, oxymatrine, sophoranole, N-methylcytisine, anagyrine, Baptifoline, sophocarpine, D-isomatrine, kuraridin, norkurarinone, kuraridinol, , Kurarinol, neokurarinol, norkurarinol, isoproterenol, and formononetin.

Herbs traits: the surface of gray-brown or brown, with longitudinal wrinkles and cross-long lenticels, thin skin, more rupture volume, easy to peel off, peeling was yellow, smooth. Hard, easy to break, section fibrous; slice thick 3 ~ 6mm; cut yellow and white, with radial texture and cracks, and some visible concentric ring pattern. Gas micro, taste very bitter. The extract of this product is white needle crystal or crystalline powder; odorless, bitter; long exposed in the air, there is wetting, and become pale yellow.

Latin Name :Sophora flavescens

Botanical Source: Root

Appearance : White fine powder

Active ingredient: Matrine

Specification: 50%     90%    95%     98%

Test Method: HPLC

Molecular Formula: C15H24N2O


♥Product Function:

(1)matrine is widely used in pesticide;


(2)Matrine has function of relieving internal heat;


(3)matrine has effect on anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory;


(4)Matrine is used for suppressing sarcoma S180, anti-tumors;


(5)matrine can cure tonsillitis, mastitis, smooth the asthma etc.when taken orally;


(6)matrine can improve the leucocyte deficiency symptoms so as to enhance the body's immune function;


(7) matrine is effective in dealing with trichomonad vaginitis, flagellate disease, amoeba dysentery and fungus dysentery, etc.



1.Applied in agriculture field, bitter sophora root extract can kill the pests.


2.Applied in pharmaceutical feild, bitter sophora root p.e is used for anti-bacteria, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumors.